Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Saint Emillion

2004 Ch. Angelus, St. Emillion Grand Cru - pretty clean but somehow a little tooth-coating. Oh wait, that's an oxymoron. Last tasted 2007 Drink now-2015 
2004 Ch. Canon St. Emillion Grand Cru (1er Grand Cru Classé) - there was backbone; it was luscious, clean and real nice. It was focused, well-balanced and seemed like the better of the ones from St. Emillion. Last tasted 2007 Drink now-2015 
2004 Ch. Canon-La-Gaffeliere St. Emillion Grand Cru - at first I thought it was killer and complex and then Gabe, Damien and myself all picked up on a bacteria finish. You've got to revisit the wines that you thought were great. Last tasted 2007 Drink now-2015 
2004 Ch. Figeac, St Emillion "Premier Grand Cru Classé" - I expected a little more from this one. That's because I had the 1982 not long before trying this vegetal, tannic monster. I got some sweat sox mixed with meatiness and green vegetables. It was sweat leaking out of a mouse's fur. Very nice! Last tasted 2007 Drink now-2015 
1986 Chateau Canon, St Emillion $230 – this is pretty muscular for a right bank. The cola nuances make me think this is more of a left bank than anything. I’m glad there’s enough sediment for these bitches to chew on. Last tasted 10/15/07 Drink now-2015 
1982 Domaine de la Gaffeliere $375 - The nose was sweet and the sight revealed brick edges with plenty of color in the center. There's something about red wines from St. Emillion that make me want to have some pate'. There wasn't any brettanomyces and the tannins were so soft and supple that I knew how a mature wine should behave. It should behave elegantly, like a well-dressed and wise old man. I gave them a cellar tour so they decided to leave me $100 side-tip. Last tasted 8/23/07 Drink now-2015 

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Wine and Waves

Wine and Waves
I'm lucky to be a 31-year-old surf punk that gets to sample rare wines like the 1922 Pol Roger, the 1959 Petrus and the 2001 D.R.C. Richebourg--that doesn't mean those wines are always good, or worth the price. Since I've worked as a sommelier (in Monterey, CA) for high-end restaurants like Casanova, the Sardine Factory, and Marinus, I've honed my palate and I can choose a good bottle that won't break the bank. When I have enough time and money, I like to travel with my girl Lindsay Jackson to places with great wine and waves. I'm a certified sommelier (Court of Master Sommeliers) and am available to drink wine. Call: 831-521-8606 or e-mail:

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